Friday, June 24, 2016

Go Bagless to Win!

The prize? A mulching mower or a $750 City Attractions and Recreation card.

The City of Edmonton is encouraging residents to Go Bagless this summer - that is leave their clippings on their lawn and win.

Going bagless has many benefits:
  • It’s good for your lawn: the grass clippings protect the soil by keeping moisture in the ground. Also, as the clippings break down quickly, they naturally fertilize the lawn with nutrients after each mowing.
  • It’s good for you: no bagging and dragging of grass is required, and it reduces the need to water and fertilize your lawn.
  • It’s good for the environment: in the summer months, up to half of the waste collected by the City is grass. Going bagless is the easiest, most effective way to reduce waste.
Half of Edmonton households already practice Going Bagless?try joining them! And by signing up for a lawn sign, you’ll have a chance to win great prizes, a mulching mower or a $750 City Attractions and Recreation card.

For more information or to sign up for a Go Bagless lawn sign, visit